hotline: 18121223033

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Wuxi Haiyu Marine Technology Co., Ltd. is located in the beautiful Taihu Lake - Wuxi Yixing City, Jiangsu Province, is a professional aluminum alloy yacht manufacturing company, the company was founded in 1996, formerly known as Shanghai Huihui Ship Design Supporting Co., LTD., in 2015 the company r...


contact us

  • Address:
  • 123 Zhenfeng East Road, Xushe Town, Yixing City
  • Contacts:
  • Yacht Department: Tang Guohua 18121223033
    Decoration Department: Chen Qi 18017330798
    Network Department:13771012511
  • E-mail:

      123 Zhenfeng East Road, Xushe Town, Yixing City

      123 Zhenfeng East Road, Xushe Town, Yixing City
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